On Oct 18, 6:57 pm, "Diez B. Roggisch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Abandoned wrote:
> > On Oct 18, 6:35 pm, "Diez B. Roggisch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Abandoned wrote:
> >> > On Oct 18, 6:14 pm, "Diez B. Roggisch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> >> Abandoned wrote:
> >> >> > Thanks you all answer..
> >> >> > But "eval" is very slow at very big dictionary {2:3,4:5,6:19....}
> >> >> > (100.000 elements)
> >> >> > Is there any easy alternative ?
> >> >> How big? How slow? For me, a 10000-element list takes  0.04 seconds to
> >> >> be parsed. Which I find fast.
> >> >> Diez
> >> > 173.000 dict elements and it tooks 2.2 seconds this very big time for
> >> > my project
> >> Where does the data come from?
> >> Diez
> > Data come from database..
> > I want to cache to speed up my system and i save the dictionary to
> > database for speed up but eval is very slow for do this.
> > Not: 2.2 second only eval operation.
> Does the dictionary change often?
> And you should store a pickle to the database then. Besides, making a
> database-query of that size (after all, we're talking a few megs here) will
> take a while as well - so are you SURE the 2.2 seconds are a problem? Or is
> it just that you think they are?
> Diez- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

I'm very confused :(
I try to explain main problem...
I have a table like this:
id-1 | id-2 | value
23     24       34
56     68       66
56     98       32455
55     62       655
56     28       123
.... ( 3 millions elements)

I select where id=56 and 100.000 rows are selecting but this took 2
second. (very big for my project)
I try cache to speed up this select operation..
And create a cache table:
id-1 | all
56    {68:66, 98:32455, 62:655}

When i select where id 56 i select 1 row and its took 0.09 second but
i must convert text to dictionary..

Have you got any idea what can i do this conver operation ?
Have you got any idea what can i do cache for this table ?


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