On 2007-10-18, Monty Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> MySQL has put up a poll on http://dev.mysql.com asking what your primary 
> programming language is. Even if you don't use MySQL - please go stick 
> in a vote for Python. I'm constantly telling folks that Python needs 
> more love, but PHP and Java are kicking our butts...
> (I know the world would be a better place if the poll were honest, but 
> I'd rather that people got the message that they should do more python 
> development work!)

What makes you think that faking a poll will send that message?

Even though Python is way ahead, you've probably ruined it for
us.  I suspect the folks at MySQL will ignore or discount the
results when they find out you've solicited fradulent votes
from the Python community.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow! I just got my PRINCE
                                  at               bumper sticker ... But now
                               visi.com            I can't remember WHO he
                                                   is ...

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