Marco Mariani wrote:
> Tim Golden wrote:
>>>  From the cookbook, this time.
>>> It satisfies the requirements nicely  ;)
>> [... snip the ultimate general-purpose answer to the OP's question ...
>> I really hope that's a wink up there, Marco.
> The wink is in the second line of my post... 

I did see it :)

>> The poor guy was just trying to get his homework done!
> I don't see how my answer is in any way worse than those based on 
> lambda. 

Nor do I. I was just joking with a colleague that the guy
just wanted a bit of help (which he did get, in fact from
several sources) and then out came the lambda and the
decorator. It's only a moment before the metaclass and
the Twisted solution come along. :)
(It's like watching a convention of lisp programmers --
ducks, runs for cover)


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