Steven Bethard a écrit :
> Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
>> Steven Bethard a écrit :
>> (snip)
>>> In Python, you can use property() to make method calls look like 
>>> attribute access.  This could be necessary if you have an existing 
>>> API that used public attributes, but changes to your code require 
>>> those attributes to do additional calculations now.
>>> But if you're creating a class for the first time, it should *never* 
>>> use property().  There's no need to retrofit anything.
>> May I kindly disagree here ?-)
> Of course. ;-)
>> Computed attributes are IMHO not only a life-saver when it comes to 
>> refactoring. There are cases where you *really* have - by 'design' I'd 
>> say - the semantic of a property, but know from the start you'll need 
>> computation (for whatever reason). Then what would be the rationale 
>> for using explicit getters/setters ?
> I'd be interested to hear what these use cases are.

I once wrote a small ORM-like wrapper for LDAP access, and, for reasons 
that might be obvious for anyone having worked with LDAP, I choosed to 
keep the record values in the format used by the lower level LDAP lib 
and let user code access them thru computed attributes (actually 
custom-made descriptors). Talking about ORMs, most of them surely use a 
similar scheme.

I could also list the CS101 examples, like Shape.area, 
Rect.bottom_right, Person.age, etc... And yes, some of these attributes 
are obviously read-only. That doesn't prevent them from being 
semantically *properties*, not *behaviour*.

> Generally, people expect that attributes are used for simple state, and 
> methods are used when some sort of computation is required.
> If you use 
> attributes when some computation is required, you violate your users' 
> expectations.

Depends on which kind of people and on their background. I obviously 
don't advocate the use of computed attributes for heavy, non-cachable 
computations (please don't call me stupid !-), but not suffering from a 
too long exposures to some low-level mainstream languages, I never 
assume that attribute syntax implies direct attribute access.

> Of course, you can always document that your attributes require 
> computation. But you're definitely adding some cognitive load by 
> violating the normal expected behavior of attributes and methods.

"normal expected behaviour" ? "normal" according to which norm, and 
"expected" by who ? In a language with a very strong builtin support for 
computed attributes, the only thing to expect is that you don't have to 
call an attribute to get to the value.


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