I just wrote a program to let the user input a series of whole numbers and tell them which is least and which is greatest based off of a menu. However, the menu isn't kicking in after they pick a number. I included a while statement for a loop just for the menu and compared it to my other programs that have a similar setup and are working, but I'm stumped. Here's the program...
def main(): #define and initialize variables #choice as int choice = 0 #number as int number = 0 #intro print "WELCOME TO THE GREATEST AND LEAST NUMBER PROGRAM!" print #Menu loop while choice != 2: #display menu print "Please choose from the following menu: " print "1. Enter a number" print "2. Exit" print #prompt user for their menu choice choice = input("Enter your choice here: ") #if statements to determine which choice if choice == 1: nums = [] while number >=0: nums.append(number) number = input("Please enter a number.") elif choice == 2: print "Have a great day!" if len(nums) > 0: print "The smallest number that you entered was:",min(nums) print "The largest number that you entered was:",max(nums) else: #invalid print "Invalid selection. Enter either one or two." print Also, if they quit the program with choice #2 and entered numbers, it should display the greatest and least of them. If they just started and didn't enter anything and want to quit, I get an error message saying UnboundLocalError: local variable 'nums' referenced before assignment. Isn't the if statement supposed to keep python from going there since if they didn't enter any input, the length of the list should just be zero. -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list