"Martin Marcher" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> is there something like a standard full text search engine?
> I'm thinking of the equivalent for python like lucene is for java or
> ferret for rails. Preferrably something that isn't exactly a clone of
> one of those but more that is python friendly in terms of the API it
> provides.

Ferret is basically a Lucene clone, originally written in Ruby but
with the intensive parts later rewritten in C for speed since the Ruby
version was too slow.  There was something similar done in Python
(PyLucene, I think) that was also pretty slow.

Solr (a wrapper around Lucene) has a reasonable set of Python
bindings.  Solr has become very popular among web developers because
it's pretty easy to set up and use.  However, its flexibility is not
all that great.

Nucular looks promising though still in a fairly early stage.
Suggestion for Aaron: it would be great if Nucular used the same
directives as Solr (i.e. say <field/> instead of <fld/> and fix other
such gratuitous differences) and implemented more Solr/Lucene features.

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