> On 26 Ott, 19:23, Dennis Lee Bieber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > > (A,B,C,D)
>>> that could be
>>> ('tagA', None, [('tagB', None, ['bobloblaw], None)], None)
>>         "C" isn't a tuple in your example either. It is a one-element list
>> (the single element INSIDE the list is a tuple whose third element is a
>> list containing a non-terminated string -- so the entire structure is
>> invalid)
> i'm not sure what u mean with "the entire structure is invalid"...
> that's exactly what I got while parsing...

Your structure is correct.  Dennis just didn't read all the matching
parens and brackets properly.


Michael Torrie
Assistant CSR, System Administrator
Chemistry and Biochemistry Department
Brigham Young University
Provo, UT 84602


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