Richie Hindle wrote:
According to the command line help for cx_Freeze and py2exe, they
cannot pack my program with additional installation files into one
self-extracting .exe file (which is what I want to do).
On the other hand, there are readily available utilities that
will do what you are asking for, independent of Python and py2exe
and everything else. Standalone single-file packagers.
InnoSetup is the most popular free single-file-installer generator for
Windows. NSIS is probably second.
I'm not sure now, but I *think* the OP actually wanted one
of those beasties which will literally *run* from a single
EXE file, not just install from one in the usual way.
The only ones of which I'm aware are usually called something
like "self-executing zip files" and they -- invisibly to the
user -- will temporarily extract themselves into a temporary
folder, run the main exe, and then (optionally) clean up
completely after the application exits, removing all temporary