johnbraduk a écrit :
> Thomas,
> Like many others I have been going round the same loop for months.
> I have struggled with most of the Python solutions, including
> TurboGears and have given up and gone back to ColdFusion.  I am not
> trying to kick of a religious war about the pros and cons of
> ColdFusion as a scripting langauge, but IMHO, as a development
> environment (Dreamweaver), it is unbeatable.

Won't talk about opinion here. Enough to say that Dreamweaver is IMHO a 
bloated piece of crap.

> In one product, "out of
> the box" I can integrate database access and web design,

Which are totally orthogonal aspects, and as such are better kept 
seperate. In my current shop - as well as in the previous one, 
programmers deal with database access, designers deal with design, and 
integrators deal with html and templates.

> including
> AJAX, in one GUI IDE.

I don't want a "GUI IDE", I want my code editor. Using which I can edit 
(x)html, css, any template language, javascript, python, php, sql, 

>  Ok, the IDE is on Windows, but the servers run
> on Linux.

No way I'm going to inflict myself the pain of using Windows. Sorry.

> This seems to be an aspect of web design that has been totally
> ignored in the Python community. 
(snip rant about having too much choice)
> Am I asking too much to have a Python product "X" which is a fully
> self-contained web development framework?

Have you tried Django ? One of the main criticism against it is that 
it's a bit too much "self-contained" !-)

But anyway, since all these are free softwares - freely written and 
contributed by mostly benelovent contributors -, yes, you *are* "asking" 
too much.


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