On Oct 31, 7:08 am, Michael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm trying to build a exe on a vista system using py2exe. It will
> deploy to vista and XP systems. If it matters, the application uses
> pyserial, as well. I have VS Studio 2005 installed on this laptop as
> well. I've found this so far that seems to be identical to what I'm
> seeing (for non-python 
> programs):http://www.thescripts.com/forum/thread611031.html
> When I attempt to run, I get "The procedure entry point
> _except_handler4_common could not be located in the dynamic link
> library mscvrt.dll."  Apparently vista has one more
> _except_handler#_common function than XP does.
> I've used py2exe several times before (however not recenty, as it was
> before Vista came out). I'm using a very basic setup file right now:
> from distutils.core import setup
> import py2exe
> setup(console=['responderbot.py'])
> Are there any ways to either py2exe work or any other exe builder for
> my build environment and deployment scenario? I don't really want to
> dig around in py2exe/pyserial internals to force it to use the dll's
> that the MS support person said it should be using. Will any automated
> exe builder work where I am?
> I've heard IronPython can compile down to an exe....is it a valid
> alternative? Should my CPython utility be compatible with ipy? I only
> use the random,time,sys, and serial modules. I really know very little
> about ipy.
>           --Michael

I use GUI2Exe, a wrapper of py2exe that I find easier to use. You can
find it here:


There's also this interesting utility (that I've never used) from
Frederik Lundh:


I've heard good things about PyInstaller (the one Gary mentioned). As
far as I know, py2exe doesn't use Visual Studio to do its compiling,
so I don't think that's relevant.



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