i'm trying to import a module typeinfo that looks like so: import xml.dom import minidom
var mapper = { minidom.Element.__class__ : "Element", minidom.Node.__class__ : "Node" }; then i'd write a factory method that's look roughly like this: addBaggage(PyObject *victim) { PyObject *typeinfo = PyImport_ImportModule("typeInfo"); PyObject *dict = PyObject_GetAttrString(pModule, "mapper"); PyObject *pclass = PyObject_GetAttrString( victim, "__class__"); PyObject *baggagename = PyDict_GetItem(dict, pclass); then i'll convert baggagename into a char * and key into a dictionary mapping char * to factory methods or painstakingly if PyObject_IsInstance() else PyObject_IsInstance() the whole thing (i'll have more than two entries in the mapper and, possibly, beyond the minidom module) for my classes. Is there a simpler way to accomplish what i'm trying to do, for example leverage the existing metadata for minidom module? I'm thinking maybe i can just specify a tuple of modules in typeinfo instead and iterate on all classes in those modules. lookups in the dictionary seem quicker though... thoughts? -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list