Hi all,

consider the following small example:

Small test to try to understand a strange subtlety with closures

def outer(nmax):

    aa = []
    for n in range(nmax):

        def a(y):
            return (y,n)
        print 'Closure and cell id:',id(a.func_closure),\

    return aa

print 'Closure creation.'
nmax = 3
aa = outer(nmax)

print 'Closure use.'
for n in range(nmax):
    print '%s:%s' % (n,aa[n]('hello'))

################## EOF #################

If I run this, I get:

planck[test]> python debug_closures.py
Closure creation.
Closure and cell id: 1075998828 1075618940
Closure and cell id: 1075999052 1075618940
Closure and cell id: 1075999084 1075618940

Closure use.
0:('hello', 2)
1:('hello', 2)
2:('hello', 2)

My confusion arises from the printout after 'closure use'. I was expecting that
each new function 'a' created inside the loop in 'outer' would capture the
value of n, therefore my expectation was to see a printout like:

0:('hello', 0)
1:('hello', 1)... etc.

However, what happens is a bit different.  As can be seen from the printouts
of 'Closure and cell id', in each pass of the loop a new closure is created,
but it reuses the *same* cell object every time.  For this reason, all the
closures end up sharing the scope with the values determined by the *last*
iteration of the loop.

This struck me as counterintuitive, but I couldn't find anything in the
official docs indicating what the expected behavior should be. Any
feedback/enlightenment would be welcome.  This problem appeared deep inside a
complicated code and it took me almost two days to track down what was going




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