On Nov 9, 12:28 am, "[david]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Kay Schluehr wrote:
> > Could you please learn some parser theory 101 and then come back when
> > you have complaints about one or the other implemententation of a
> > particular Python parser? When some guy enters a forum with a "newbie
> > question" most of the time people are willing to give a fair and
> > comprehensive answer but they don't want to mess around with him
> > endlessly when he is not willing to learn and to listen.
> Immaturity is a mark of this group, isn't it?  When all else fails,
> resort to insults.

Dear [david], when all else fails, be rigorous. Tell someone that it
is not o.k. to keep people busy with his complaints when he doesn't
know what he is talking about. This is *my* rejection of inpoliteness
and has nothing to do with "this group" in the first place. But I'm
not entirely sure I want to discuss about polite behaviour with
someone not using his full name.



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