Aaron Watters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Nov 12, 12:46 pm, "Michael Bacarella" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > It takes about 20 seconds for me. It's possible it's related to
>> > int/long
>> > unification - try using Python 2.5. If you can't switch to 2.5, try
>> > using string keys instead of longs.
>> Yes, this was it.  It ran *very* fast on Python v2.5.
> Um.  Is this the take away from this thread?  Longs as dictionary
> keys are bad?  Only for older versions of Python?

It sounds like Python 2.4 (and previous versions) had a bug when
populating large dicts on 64-bit architectures.

> Someone please summarize.

Yes, that would be good.

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