On Nov 19, 10:32 am, blaine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hey guys, > For my Network Security class we are designing a project that will, > among other things, implement a Diffie Hellman secret key exchange. > The rest of the class is doing Java, while myself and a classmate are > using Python (as proof of concept). I am having problems though with > crunching huge numbers required for calculations. As an alternative I > can use Java - but I'd rather have a pure python implementation. The > problem is that Python takes a very long time (I haven't had it finish > yet) - but Java does it in 3 seconds. Suggestions?
Did you try the 3-argument version of the built-in pow? A = pow(G,a,P) Takes about .1 second on my machine, with your values. (I didn't verify that the answer I got was correct, though.) -- Paul -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list