On Nov 19, 8:13 pm, Davy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have written a simple Tkinter program, that is draw a rectangle in a
> canvas, when I press Up key, the rectangle move up. But the program
> seems work not properly? My environment is Python2.5+PythonWin.
> ##----------------------
> from Tkinter import *
> class MyApp:
>     def __init__(self,parent):
>         self.myContainer1 = Frame(parent)
>         self.myContainer1.pack()
>         self.canv = Canvas(relief=SUNKEN)
>         self.canv.config(width = 300,height=300)
>         self.canv.pack()
>         self.canv.create_rectangle(100,100,150,150,tags="rect")
>         self.canv.bind('<Up>',self._onUpKey)
>         self.canv.bind('<Return>', self._onReturnKey)
>     def _onUpKey(self,event):
>         self.canv.move(tagOrId,xAmount=0,yAmount=10)
>     def _onReturnKey(self,event):
>         print 'Hello world'
> root = Tk()
> myapp = MyApp(root)
> root.mainloop()
> ##----------------------
> Best regards,
> Davy

I'm not sure, but I don't think you can bind the a key to a
canvas...you'd want to bind to the rectangle itself somehow.

Some articles on binding:


Info on the Canvas object:

# this one talks about setting the focus on an item within the canvas
so that it has key bindings...maybe that will work.

I am not a Tkinter expert. I am much better with wxPython, but I am
only starting to be able to answer questions on that topic.

Hopefully someone with more knowledge will show up shortly.


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