Hey Mike,
Welcome to Python!

About your first issue, just change the line
outfile.write( "'%s'," % (LoL[x][y]))
outfile.write( "'%s'," % (LoL[x][y][:-1]))

Why? Because when you do the line.split, you are including the '\n' at
the end, so a new line is created.

Now, what you are doing is not very pythonic (batteries are included
in python, so you could just use the CSV module). Also, the for x in
range(len(somelist)) is not recommended, you can just do something

import csv

infile = open("mydata.txt", "rb")
outfile = open("out.txt", "wb")

reader = csv.reader(infile, delimiter='\t')
writer = csv.writer(outfile, quotechar=None, delimiter = "\\")

for row in reader:
    data = "'" + "', '".join(row) + "'"
    base = " ( Insert NBUSER.Grochamber Values %s, )"
    writer.writerow([base % data])

The above lines works like your program, writing exactly what you asked.
Again, all lists are iterable, you don't need to iterate an integer
from 1 to len(list). (isn't python wonderful?)


On Nov 20, 2007 6:11 PM, mike5160 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> My input file looks like this : ( the data is separated by tabs )
> 11/26/2007      56.366  898.90  -10.086 23.11   1212.3
> 11/26/2007      52.25   897.6   -12.5   12.6    13333.5
> 11/26/2007      52.25   897.6   -12.5   12.6    133.5
> The output I'm trying to get is as follows :
>  ( Insert NBUSER.Grochamber Values
> '11/26/2007','56.366','898.90','-10.086','23.11','1212.3', )
>  ( Insert NBUSER.Grochamber Values
> '11/26/2007','52.25','897.6','-12.5','12.6','13333.5', )
>  ( Insert NBUSER.Grochamber Values
> '11/26/2007','52.25','897.6','-12.5','12.6','133.5', )
> The following is the program i have written so far :
> LoL = []
> for line in open('mydata.txt'):
>     LoL.append(line.split("\t"))
> print "read from a file: ", LoL,
> outfile = open("out.dat", "w")
> lilength = len(LoL)
> liwidelength = len(LoL[1])
> print "length of list is " , lilength, "long"
> print "length of list is " , liwidelength, "long"
> for x in range(lilength):
>     outfile.write(" ( ")
>     outfile.write('Insert NBUSER.Grochamber Values ')
>     for y in range(liwidelength):
>         outfile.write( "'%s'," % (LoL[x][y]))
>     outfile.write(" ) \n")
> outfile.close()
> I have 3 questions :
> 1. The formatting in the first line comes out wrong all the time. I m
> using windows python 2.5.1. The last part of the first line is always
> on the second line.
> 2. How do I avoid the "," symbol after the last entry in the line?
> (this are supposed to be sql-queries - importing excel based tabbed
> data to sql database)
> 3. What do I do when the data is missing? Like missing data?
> Thanks for all your help!
> Mike
> --
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

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