What's the customary way to organize your project files -- particularly modules? Does the following look correct?
my_project/ main_script.py doc/ [...] whatever/ [...] lib/ mymod1.py mymod2.py test/ test_mymod1.py test_mymod2.py some_pkg/ __init__.py goodmod1.py goodmod2.py test/ test_goodmod1.py test_goodmod2.py That is, my project may contain some local project-specific modules (mymod1, mymod2), but also some in a package that I reuse here and there in other projects too (some_pkg.goodmod1, some_pkg.goodmod2). What's the usual name and placement of the file that runs all the tests? Finally, if anyone could point me toward any exemplary modules in the cheeshop that have a tidy project file layout, it would be most helpful. Thanks. -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list