I am porting www.rmchart.com to python, now the code is almost finished, and I have supplied some examples.py which write to picturefiles directly, but the example to draw the chart on GUI stops me.
that is the vb declaration nResult (LONG) = RMC_CreateChartOnDC( ByVal nParentDC (LONG), ByVal nCtrlId (LONG), ByVal nX (LONG), ByVal nY (LONG), ByVal nWidth (LONG), ByVal nHeight (LONG), ) nParentDC (LONG) is Device context, on which the chart shall be painted If I pass DC=ctypes.windll.user32.GetDC(0) to it, the chart is shown on the windows, but I don't know how to get the DC in wxPython. It seems that self.GetHandle() in wxPython does not help. Can anyone help me? thanx -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list