Federico Ceccatto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  This is the kind of 'bugs' i've run into, perhaps someone could shed
>  some light onto them?
>  - Sometimes execution of child process (in this case, NTVDM.exe and
>  its children) stops and the object is destroyed for no reason
>  whatsoever. Very silent, no errors.
>  - Sometimes '\x03' as input is ignored, working simply as a '\n' of
>  sorts, while most of the time it simply kills the program as expected.
>  - Sometimes specific points in the code where the user is asked for
>  input and execution should be temporarily halted are ignored, as if
>  somehow it got a newline character.
>  None of these bugs are reproducible by running the same child
>  processess via NTVDM.exe through say, cmd.exe and such.
>  This has been driving me nuts for the last three weeks...

It sounds like you want an interactive channel to your process -
unfortunately subprocess doesn't really work when a conversation is
expected between your process and the subprocess - there is too much
buffering involved.

On unix you'd use the python expect module to work around these
problems.  Unfortunately there isn't a windows version :-(

You could try the non blocking subprocess modification here


You could also try wx.Process and wx.Execute from wxPython.

Nick Craig-Wood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- http://www.craig-wood.com/nick

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