brianrpsgt1 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I have been able to successful pull info from a MySQL DB, get the
>results and output them in an HTML format using Cheetah to the screen
>using IDLE.  I am doing this on a Windows Laptop, running WinXP,
>Python 2.5 and the latest version of Cheetah.
>I have two questions:
>1. How and where do you compile Cheetah templates in Windows?  The
>command in the docs is cheetah compile a, however, I believe that this
>is for Linux.  This does nothing in a DOS Prompt.  Please provide the
>info for this command in Windows.

The Cheetah installation should have created scripts called "cheetah" and
"cheetah-compile" in your Python25\Scripts directory.  The issue you have
is that they aren't on your path.

One answer is to copy Python25\Scripts\cheetah to \Windows\ and
Python25\Scripts\cheetah-compile to \Windows\  Then you
can type " compile xxx" or " xxx".

However, you don't have to compile them in advance.  You can do "from
Cheetah.Template import Template" and compile them on the fly, with
   tmpl = Template( file='page.tmpl' )

>2. How do I output the HTML to a file?  I tried the following:
>FILE = open(filename, "wt")
>I get an error though that states that writelines() requires an
>interable argument

Just use FILE.write( output ).
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

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