I've written a small project that implements multimethods for python. I'd like anyone who's interested to check out the code and give me some feedback, such as what features they would like to see added, what could be improved, etc. This is actually one of my first projects I did with python. I did do quite a bit of refactoring from its original form, but if you have suggestions on what could be made more "pythonic", I'd like to hear them.
Documentation is a bit lacking at this point, but there is a "Getting Started" page, as well as the beginnings of a tutorial. That's probably your best bet for learning basic usage. Homepage: http://pymultimethods.wiki.sourceforge.net SourceForge Project: http://sourceforge.net/projects/pymultimethods/ There is no official "release" yet, so you will have to checkout the code from the subversion repository using the following command: svn co https://pymultimethods.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/pymultimethods/trunk pymultimethods Alternatively, you may browse the repository at http://pymultimethods.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/pymultimethods/ Thank you for your comments, --Nathan Davis -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list