1. What is it? pyRMChart is an interface to DLL-verison RMChart(http://rmchart.com), which is a free, lightweight and elegant chart creator
2. Dependency? Python + ctypes 3. How to install? a) you should install RMChart and make sure it works. On win2k/me/98, maybe you have to get a copy of gdiplus.dll b) copy directory [pyrmchart] and all contents to a directory that in your python's sys.path, eg, python\Lib\site-packages\ c) put rmchart.dll and gdiplus.dll either a directory in your environment PATH or just directory [pyrmchart] 4. How to use? Just read rmchart.chm and check the demos under pyrmchart\demo\, most of them are the Python peer to the *.rmc file in RMChart. Please note, some of the demos needs csv/dat/rmc file from the full RMChart, so you have to check the path in these demos 5. How to pass a parameter via reference? If it is a string, you just give it Pyhthon string. If it is a simple type and the function does not modify it, currently there is only function RMC_AddDataAxis fits it, you just need to pass number [0,4] (in other word, constant RMC_TEXTCENTER, RMC_TEXTLEFT, RMC_TEXTRIGHT, RMC_TEXTDOWNWARD and RMC_TEXTUPWARD) as nLabelAlignment. If it is a cunstom type and the function does not modify it, for example parameter T in RMC_CreateChartI, which is tRMC_CHART type, please check "demo_exploding pie tru info.py" If it is array of number, for example, nFirstDataValue in RMC_AddBarSeries, you just make a variant list/tuple of number and give its name to nFirstDataValue, please check "demo_simplebar.py". As for the following parameter nDataValuesCount which points out the length of the array, if nDataValuesCount in [0, None], the length of nFirstDataValue will be used if nDataValuesCount < len(nFirstDataValue), nDataValuesCount will be used if nDataValuesCount > len(nFirstDataValue), len(nFirstDataValue) will be used since nDataValuesCount has a default as 0, you need not to pass it For other parameter via reference which will be changed in the function, there are 3 ways to pass it. please check RMC_GetChartSizeFromFile section in "demo_misc&get.py" 6. Buggy There are bugs in [gui demo], but I believe it comes from my poor GUI experience. If you can fix it or supply more complex example, please let me know. If there are other bugs, please let me know too. 7. License Python license and mention license, or to say, this pacakge is free even for commercial use, but you should make it clear in your manual that you used pyrmchart(http://pyrmchart.googlepages.com/) in your application. 8. Contact me My e-mail in Python print 'x\x9c\xcbI-(\xc9\xd7+\xa8,\xc9\xc8\xcfsH\xcfM\xcc\xcc\xd1K\xce\xcf\x05\x00ep\x08\xac'.decode('zip') Webspace for pyrmchart http://pyrmchart.googlepages.com/ 9. Question Is there other free chart tool or python lib that can create nice and modern chart? I mean chart, so matplotlib is not the answer. I said "nice and modern", so I don't think http://home.gna.org/pychart/ and http://graphite.sourceforge.net/ fit. And I don't like JAVA and .NET -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list