"Chris Mellon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Whether you like it or not, the term "pointer" has a specific common
> meanings. They do not mean "any means by which you may reference a
> value". "variable" is certainly less clear and is used much more
> loosely, but in the specific context of comparison to C, python
> name/object bindings are not the same as C variables.


Further, "in the specific context of comparison to C" was all this
thread was *ever* about at the beginning:

none <""atavory\"@(none)"> writes:

>       Hello,
>       IIRC, I once saw an explanation how Python doesn't have
> "variables" in the sense that, say, C does, and instead has bindings
> from names to objects. Does anyone have a link?

So please, let's stop trying to brinng up "pointer" and "variable"
with some pure language-independent meaning that is the only one we
should consider. The *specific context* here is the existing
preconceptions programmers bring from other languages like C.

 \       "Anytime I see something screech across a room and latch onto |
  `\    someone's neck, and the guy screams and tries to get it off, I |
_o__)      have to laugh, because what is that thing?"  -- Jack Handey |
Ben Finney

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