
I just recently found out that wx.lib.pubsub has finally moved away from wx, 
and now lives at:


I'm trying to use pubsub3, which is the third version and now the default one, 
but I'm having a hard time creating topics and messages for sending:

class Topic:
__init__(self, _name, _description, _parent=None, **kwargs)
     |      Specify the name, description, and parent of
     |      this Topic, and the list of kwargs allowed on listeners
     |      of this topic. The non-kwargs all start with a '_' to
     |      minimize the chance of conflict with a kwargs key.

from pubsub import pub
class Test(pub.Topic):
    def __init__(self):
        pub.Topic.__init__(self, 'Topic.Test', 'This is a test topic')

class Msg(pub.Message):


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "topics.py", line 80, in <module>
  File "build/bdist.linux-i686/egg/pubsub/pubsub3.py", line 421, in 
  File "build/bdist.linux-i686/egg/pubsub/pubsub3.py", line 195, in 
  File "/home/frank/test/topics.py", line 155, in getTopic
  File "/home/frank/test/topics.py", line 162, in __getTopic

TypeError: iteration over non-sequence.


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "topics.py", line 80, in <module>
  File "build/bdist.linux-i686/egg/pubsub/pubsub3.py", line 421, in 
  File "build/bdist.linux-i686/egg/pubsub/pubsub3.py", line 195, in 
  File "/home/frank/test/topics.py", line 155, in getTopic
  File "/home/frank/test/topics.py", line 162, in __getTopic

TypeError: iteration over non-sequence.

The variable in question for class Test() contains:

Topic 'T.o.p.i.c...T.e.s.t': This is a test topic. Listeners that have
   'topic=pub.AUTO_PASS_TOPIC' as a kwarg will get the topic name as
   value of topic (ie 'T.o.p.i.c...T.e.s.t'). Listeners must
   otherwise be callable with no args.
   No listeners are currently subscribed.
   There are currently no subtopics.

which of course is non-iterable. Same for class Msg(), So obviously my Topic 
and Message class constructors are wrong. The code on the wiki is for 
pubsub2, and seems to be outdated compared to pubsub3 API. pubsub1 is the 
same as wx.lib.pubsub btw.

Basically I'm looking for example code to get me kickstarted using pubsub3.

Best regards,

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