> But why?  Either
> (a) your program has a GUI and can display a dialogue box by itself
> (b) your program has a GUI but has problems opening even a tiny part
> of it (missing modules?), and should output diagnostics on the terminal
> (c) your program is console-based, or a daemon or something, and should
> not require a GUI to work.
I realise those things, and it's the simplest case. 

 I was thinking of <a yet unknown, to me, way to> allow a setup.py file to
be double-clicked and have the install start to run. When it comes to the
bit where all the import statements happen, it can popup a stock dialogue
informing the user about what they need to install first.

I was hoping to get a list of the most common, distro-installed scriptable
dialogues. Perhaps I should even look at TK -- I understand it comes
standard with Python?

 Another thing to realize, and I have experienced this first-hand, is that a
bunch of text, no matter how nicely formatted, spewed out of an app in
white on black ( the usual terminal colours ) does *not* invite a user's
attention. To read it is a chore and they usually panic.



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