On Dec 2, 10:53 pm, Roy Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In article
> > Hello hello,
> > I'm looking for a piece of code, preferably in Python, that will do
> > the following. It will accept a few data points (x,f(x)) of a function
> > that converges to some finite value when x converges to infinity. I
> > need the algorithm to guess what that limit is, to whatever precision
> > it can.
> > For example, if the input is:
> > [
> > [1,8],
> > [2,7.5],
> > [3,7.25],
> > [4,7.125]
> > ]
> > Then the output will be 7. Or at least something close.
> > Does anyone know anything like that?
> I suggest any introductory calculus or math analysis text.  Perhaps even
> the one your professor assigned you for the course :-)
> Look under "limits" in the table of contents.

I'm a third year math undergrad. You probably did not understand my

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