On Dec 3, 5:23 am, Steven D'Aprano

> I'm not suggesting that Leibniz was any more of a scientist than Newton
> was, nor am I suggesting that Newton's achievements should be *rejected*
> (er, except for those pesky Quantum Mechanics and Relativity things...).
> I'm just saying that we should understand Newton for what he actually
> was, and not based on the 18th Century revisionism.

Your claim that Newton was "not a scientist" says more about you than
it does about him. He is widely regarded -- by physicists and many
other scientists -- not only as a scientist, but as the most important
one who ever lived.

That is obviously a matter of opinion, so it would be rather silly to
argue the matter. But the idea that he was not even a scientist is one
that I have never heard from anyone but you.

Why anyone would hold a personal grudge against someone who lived
centuries ago is beyond me. I suspect it is perhaps because you don't
care for Newton's theology.

As for that "pesky relativity thing," some physicists claim that
Newton's physics (as opposed to interpretations, simplifications, and
revisions by others) were actually consistent with relativity. I think
Newton was smarter than you realize.

His name would be a great honor for a programming to have. But, alas,
it appears that many in the Python community prefer a snake that is
half the name of a comedy team. So be it. As I said before, a name is
just a name. It might as well be called "cockroach" as far as I am

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