I am doing a string.replace in a simple table generation app I wrote,
and I can't figure out how to match whitespace with /s,  so  I thought
I would see if osmeone where would be kind enough to tell me what I am
getting wrong.

This works:

string = string.replace('<tr>\n      <th class="table">Field One</th>
\n      <td>%FieldOneValue%</td>\n    </tr>', '')

You can see I had to actually put in space characters and linefeeds
exactly as they are in the string.

I tried these this:

string = string.replace('<tr>\s*<th class="table">Field One</th>\s*<td>
%FieldOneValue%</td>\s*</tr>', '')

But this doesn't work.  The doco for Python's regex suggests that \s
should match any whitespace including newlines which is what I
wanted,  but just in case,  I also tried this:

string = string.replace('<tr>\n\s*<th class="table">Field One</th>\n
\s*<td>%FieldOneValue%</td>\n\s*</tr>', '')

Any help explaining why these are not working would be greatly



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