Steven Bethard said unto the world upon 2005-03-07 11:55:
Warren Postma wrote:

Michael Hoffman wrote:

The fact that True and False are not constants?


a = True
b = False
False = a
True = b
if (1==2)==True:
    print "Doom"

Why stop there when you can really cause some doom:

py> import __builtin__ as bltin
py> bltin.True, bltin.False = bltin.False, bltin.True

As an example of what doom this causes, try typing it at the interactive prompt, and then see if you can enter anything else. I can't -- the prompt just locks up. Woo-hoo! Another way to shoot myself (and my users) in the foot! =)


Hi all,

just tried this in IDLE:

IDLE 1.1
>>> import __builtin__ as bltin
>>> bltin.True, bltin.False = bltin.False, bltin.True

>>> ================================ RESTART ================================

The restart was done by IDLE itself -- poor thing just gave up. So, it looks like Steve has found a `commit suicide' command for an IDLE shell :-)

Best to all,

Brian vdB


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