On Dec 7, 9:10 am, Tim Golden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Spindle wrote:
> > I checked the key,and it was found under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.And as i
> > mentioned before,
> > the problem happens only with eclipse and pydev,on the same machine i
> > can run the script from command line or with IDLE without any errors.
> Well, that's bizarre then. Hopefully someone else can chime in
> with an idea.

This is just a theory, but since Vista is supposed to be more secure,
maybe Eclipse doesn't have the "rights" to access that particular
registry entry. I recall reading that Norton and McAfee had a lot of
trouble getting access to Vista's internals...

I'm not sure why Python would though. I've also heard that if such-and-
such a program isn't installed in the correct place, it doesn't always
function correctly, so that might be the issue too.

Then again, maybe I'm just blowing smoke.


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