Dirk Hagemann wrote:
> (3566839/24)/365 = 407   - YES I did this calculation too and was
> surprised. But if you try this out in MS Excel:
>  ="01.01.1901"+(A1/24-(REST(A1;24)/24))+ZEIT(REST(A1;24);0;0)  (put
> 3566839 in field A1 and switch the format of the result-fieldby right-
> click on it to the
> date format "14.3.01 13:30")
> and then replace 3566839 by, let's say, "2", Excel calculates the date
> 01.10.1901 2:00 AM.

Hum, how can it be that Excel changes from YY to YYYY year display format ? 
does it display in the first case with a YYYY display format ?

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