On Dec 9, 6:23 pm, MonkeeSage <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Bruno,
> I think that we've been having a mainly "semantic" (pun intended)
> dispute. I think you're right, that we've been using the same words
> with different meanings.
> I would like to say firstly that I've been using python for a few
> years now (about three I think), and I think I have a basic grasp of
> the object system and so forth (e.g., I understood your example with
> the apply decorator and properties). I read the docs when I first
> started learning python (along with Fredrik Lundh's page about python
> objects and more recently "call by object"). But I also own up to my
> ignorance. I'm not a guru by any means. So you'll have to forgive me
> if my ignorance has gotten in the way. I'll definitely re-read the
> docs tonight.
> I would like to (try to) clarify a little about my use of wording. By
> "attribute" I was referring to a member of an object (*other than*
> toplevel). I was of course using "method" to refer to callable
> attributes (and I would use "function" for callable attributes bound
> to toplevel), and I was using "variable" to refer to non-callable
> attributes. By "tagging" I meant that attributes without a
> "tag" (e.g., __call__) are not included in the MRO for an object; they
> must be "tagged" as something other than a "variable".
> As for ruby, I think the opcodes will help me clarify...
> >> require 'parse_tree'
> => true
> >> ParseTree.translate(%q{
> class A
>   def foo
>     "bar"
>   end
> end
> A.new.foo})
> => [:block, [:class, :A, nil, [:scope, [:defn, :foo, [:scope, [:block,
> [:args], [:str, "bar"]]]]]], [:call, [:call,
> [:const, :A], :new], :foo]]
> Notice that #new and #foo are both CALL ops. All attribute access is
> CALL (i.e., "method"). There really is no such thing as a non-callable
> "attribute" in ruby. Within the scope of a class (block, &c), there
> can be non-callable members of course (LVAL), but "foo" can mean
> either LVAL *or* FCALL, because there is no "tagging", it's just
> whatever is in context and/or parsed first as a given type of object
> (well there are a few other rules, but that's the main idea), with
> "()" is a hint to help the parser when the expression is ambiguous:
> a = 1
> def a; 2; end
> a   # [:lval :a] == a = 1
> a() # [:fcall :a] == def ...
> Given this, I see the addition the instance variable also being an
> attribute as a *huge* difference between the ruby code and your
> initial example. An attribute can be named the same as an lval and
> return or set the value of the lval (e.g., @a), but it's no different
> from any other method.
> class A
>   def initialize; @a = "blah"; end
>   attr_reader :a
>   def cheese; @a; end # exactly equivalent
> end
> But at the same time, I can see how my python example can be seen as
> *wildly* different (WTF?) as well. Maybe there is no easy way to
> provide a true formally equivalent translation due to the
> implementation differences of the languages (or if Saphir-Whorf is
> right, maybe we just can't think of it! ;)
> Anyhow, sorry for the confusion.
> Regards,
> Jordan

Ps. To answer a question you asked, "callable" objects don't generally
implement a #call method--just Proc objects and method references
[class Method instances] do, which even though they have a #call
method, aren't usually considered "callable" since you can't call them
directly--the #call method could as easily be named #run or #evaluate
or whatever. Accessing a name in ruby basically does something like:
VCALL name (== if parens on name like a() skip to call step, otherwise
check for LVAL in scope and return value if found, otherwise FCALL/
CALL and return result). You can use the #define_method method to
create a new "callable."


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