I have a soap server I am running on an OS X Server using SOAPpy.  To
start the server I am running
server = SOAPpy.SOAPServer(('IPADDRESS", PORT), namespace=NAMESPACE)

I am starting the server manually in the background by running from
the command line as follows:
./mySOAPServer.py &

However, when I log out of my ssh session, the server often stops
working.  I have not been able to find a consistent amount of time it
will stay up, however it always seems to go down after an hour or so.

Any ideas on how to prevent this or take care of the problem.  So far
all I could come up with is running a cron job to check for the
process, then start it if it is not running.  However, in the
production environment I need this to be running 24/7 so I can't
really afford any down time.  I would need to run my cron job every
minute or so to get the most up-time possible and would like to avoid

Any ideas?  Thanks.

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