I'm trying to find the contents of an XML tag. Nothing fancy. I don't
care about parsing child tags or anything. I just want to get the raw
text. Here's my script:

import re

data = """
<?xml version='1.0'?>
<div class='default'>
here&apos;s some text&#33;
<div class='default'>
here&apos;s some text&#33;
<div class='default'>
here&apos;s some text&#33;

tagName = 'div'
pattern = re.compile('<%(tagName)s\s[^>]*>[.\n\r\w\s\d\D\S\W]*[^(%
(tagName)s)]*' % dict(tagName=tagName))

matches = pattern.finditer(data)
for m in matches:
    contents = data[m.start():m.end()]
    print repr(contents)
    assert tagName not in contents

The problem I'm running into is that the [^%(tagName)s]* portion of my
regex is being ignored, so only one match is being returned, starting
at the first <div> and ending at the end of the text, when it should
end at the first </div>. For this example, it should return three
matches, one for each div.

Is what I'm trying to do possible with Python's Regex library? Is
there an error in my Regex?


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