On Dec 11, 2007, at Dec 11:11:11 PM, Terry Reedy wrote:

"Steven D'Aprano" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
| But loops that run at least once is a basic element of algorithms.
| Perhaps not as common as the zero or more times of the while loop, but
| still fundamental. It is a shame it has to be faked using:
| while True: # force the first iteration to always run
|    process
|    if condition: break
| Ugly and misleading.

I disagree.  Nothing is being faked.  The generic loop is

while True:
    if condition: break

I find that when teaching beginning programmers, they usually think in "until" terms, and not "while" terms.

until Touched()

and I have to explain to them that Python doesn't have "until", and that the logic for while is exactly the opposite:

while not Touched():

they find the "while" logic to be unintuitive, and I often find myself feeling the same way: crafting it with the until logic, and then reversing it. Perhaps I should do as above, and do:

while True:
    if Touched(): break

but somehow that feels wrong to me, like bypassing the point of the while: all that power to check for conditions, and you just use it to check True, and then use a break inside. It's readable, I guess, but not a programming construct I am immediately drawn to.

                                Brian Blais

Brian Blais


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