Hi, this is actually goes to whoever is using Eclipse and Eric4, the
IDE that comes bundled with PyQt.
I was using Eclipse until i saw Eric4 and i started experiment with
it, very nice work.

Eric4 has a feature that actually reminds us the work of some
expensive IDEs, like Visual Studio, Delphi and the like: when you
compile your project, it checks to see if some .ui files (Qt Designer
form files) has changed and if so, it call pyuic.bat and compiles it
(or them) transparently so it then runs your program with latest form

In Eclipse, i have the luxury of double-click a .ui file and thus Qt
Designer opens and then design my forms there, but i cannot fing an
automatic way to accomplish the thing that eric4 does: e.x.
automatically compile changed .ui files when i hit F9. And it really a
loss of time to go to dos-prompt and do this manually.

Has anyone who work on Eclipse/PyDev and PyQt, found a way to do
this ??

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