On Dec 13, 7:50 pm, Chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A couple potential optimizations:
> > # create the member variable name.
> > mem_var_name = options.inputfilename
> > mem_var_name = mem_var_name.replace(' ','_')
> > mem_var_name = mem_var_name.replace('.','_')
> mem_var_name = options.inputfilename.replace(' ','_').replace('.','_')
> No need to assign it 3 times.
> > while i < len(hex_data):
> >         outfile_c.write( "0x%c%c" % ( hex_data[i],hex_data[i+1] ) )
> >         i += 2
> >         if i != len(hex_data):
> >                 outfile_c.write(",")
> >         if i % 32 == 0:
> >                 outfile_c.write("\n")
> This could be re-written as such:
> for x in xrange(0, len(hex_data), 32):
>     output_c.write('%s\n' % ','.join(['0x%s'%''.join(['%c'%a for a in
> hex_data[x:x+32][i:i+2]]) for i in xrange(0, 32, 2)]

Thanks everyone for all the suggestions, and the optimizations, I am
still a newbie and not aware of these ,

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