On Dec 12, 2:51 pm, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I mainly work on OS X, but thought I'd experiment with some Python code on 
> XP.  The
> problem is I can't seem to get these things to work at all.
> First of all, I'd like to use Greek letters in the command prompt window, so 
> I was going to
> use unicode to do this.  But in the command prompt, the unicode characters 
> are displaying
> as strange looking characters.  I tried installing the 'Bitstream Vera Sans 
> Mono' font in hopes
> it had all the characters I needed but this didn't seem to work either.  Is 
> the problem the font?
> And if so, is there a certain font that has unicode '03B1', etc?  Here's some 
> code I tried:
> v = u'\u03B1\u03B2\u03B3'.encode('utf-8')
> print v #just displays squares

You've got two problems. First, you don't need to encode it; if the
command prompt window displayed your output after encoding it would
display the multi-byte form of your characters. You should just send
it a unicode object.

Second, check the .encoding attribute of the sys.stdout object.
Therein lies enlightenment about what the command prompt window will

No info on your other problem.

John Roth

> If anyone has any thoughts, I'd love to hear them.
> Thanks!
> Jay


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