On Dec 14, 11:53 am, Nirav Thaker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yo Group,
> I'm excited to learn Python as new language coming year, I consider
> myself good Java developer and, not so unusually, with very limited
> experience with dynamic programming languages such as Python or Ruby.
> I have started with basics athttp://docs.python.org, but I'm more
> interested in learning philosophies in programming dynamically typed
> languages, I really want to get rid of those Enterprisely weird Java
> techniques.
> I'm looking for good resources and a better technique to learn Python,
> would appreciate book references or URLs for them (Google explodes me
> with info. and I don't really have time to read all that). Also, I'm
> looking forward to hack some framework or library written in Python to
> get a good deal of exposure to language and class library, So it would
> be great if anyone would suggest such framework as well.
> Looking forward for suggestions Python community!

You may want to check out these first:



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