SMALLp wrote:

> remember worked file when i wrote  eg. import myFile but now in
> Ubuntu it says Module not found. (I'm using Ubuntu and I've
> installed python 2.5 and wxPython 2.8.4, and I'm using GedIt as my
> favorite text editor). The question is how to make this work
> (files are in the same folder)

Please provide the exact error message, the part of the source code
it refers to, and the command line you called the file by.

> Second question is about import wx. When i separate code into
> files i have to write import wx into every file because all of
> them contains some part of the interface. Does that make my
> program bigger than putting everything into one file and use only
> one import.

Yes, the program gets a few bytes (11 for "import wx\r\n") bigger.
No, it is no performance problem.



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