On Dec 17, 7:48 am, Luke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
> > Luke a écrit :
>  (snip)
> >>     cursor.execute("""
> >>         CREATE TABLE %s
> >>         (
> >>          name     CHAR(40),
> >>          luc      TEXT
> >>         )
> >>     """ % CharAccount)
> > Err... Are you sure you want a new table here ?
>  (snip)
> yes, thats the easier way i can think of for now since i am so new to SQL,
> eventually im sure i will put all the characters into one larger table
> though... but for now i just dont feal like figuring out how to scan the
> table for the records i need based on name of character...

Have you figured out how to scan a list of table names for the records
you need? Where will you keep that list -- in another table? in a
file? hard-coded in your scripts?

> ill save that
> for later. (unless there is a very easy way to do it that doesnt require
> re)

If you have one table (as you should) called (say) "character", with
the primary key column called (say) "characcount", you can find one
exact match like this:
   SELECT * FROM character WHERE characcount = 'Ronin88'
or do a wild-card search like this:
   SELECT * FROM character WHERE characcount LIKE 'Ron%'
[I'm presuming that's what you mean by your reference to 're']


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