> hi
> i have written some python scripts which take command line arguments
> and do some job. i would like to make it into a .exe using py2exe and
> distribute it with innosetup.. befor that i would like to add some GUI
> support..i mean select some values using a folder explorer etc..which
> would be a good gui builder for this? i have heard about  guibuilder
> from http://spectcl.sourceforge.net/  or is it better to use tkinter
> (i have little experience with gui designing)
> can someone  give a suggestion?
> dn

I think wxWindows works extremely well but the learning curve is quite steep. 
The upside is that it is cross-platform and there is virtually nothing you 
write using wxPython/Windows.  BTW-They hae an excellent newsgroup at:



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