Gabriel Genellina wrote:

> On 14 dic, 23:44, Joshua Kugler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I'm using HTTPlib to construct some functional tests for a web app we're
>> writing.  We're not using urllib2 because we need support for PUT and
>> DELETE methods, which urllib2 does not do.
>> We also need client-side cookie handling.  So, I start reading about
>> cookielib and run across a problem.  It's cookie handling is tied quite
>> tightly to urllib2's request object.  httplib has somewhat different
>> semantics in its request object.  So, you can use cookielib with httplib.
>> And cookie lib has no simple function (that I could find) for passing in
>> a set-cookie header and getting back a CookieJar object (or even a list
>> of Cookie objects).
> What about correcting the first thing, making urllib2 support HEAD/PUT/

We may have to do that, and then hack on the Redirect handler too so it will
properly keep the request method.  But that's not our preference, for
obvious reasons. :)

I just find it hard to believe that no one has ever needed to do cookie
handling in a generic way (i.e. input: set-cookie header, output: cookie
objects) before.  May have to write my own. Or sublcass/extend cookielib.



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