On Dec 18, 2007 5:03 PM, Jack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> While enjoying the dynamic feature of Python I find it difficult to refactor
> code without breaking it. For example, if I modify a function to take more
> arguments, or arguments of different types, I'll need to manually find out
> all places where the function is called and make sure I modify them all,
> unlike in C/Java, where the compiler will do the work of checking function
> signatures, etc. I suppose there isn't a strict mode in Python. It would be
> helpful though, when I don't need things to be so dynamic, and this is often
> the case, when it comes to function arguments and return values, for
> example. Even a module level or function level flag would be very helpful to
> find broken code. Or, are there any third party tools that do this?
> --
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

Description: A refactoring tool for python
 A framework and refactoring tool for Python. IDE Plugins are included for
 Pymacs, IDLE and Vim. Using Bicycle Repair Man you can rename classes, methods
 and variables, and all users of them are found and adjusted appropriately.
  Homepage: http://bicyclerepair.sourceforge.net/

Noah Dain
"The beatings will continue, until morale improves" - the Management

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