> Hi All.
> I have a list which is a line from a file:
> ['\x003\x008\x001\x004\x007\x005\x00.\x005\x000\x002\x005\x009
> \x009\x00',
> '\x002\x001\x003\x006\x002\x002\x00.\x001\x007\x004\x002\x008\
> x002\x00']
> This should be in the format:
> ['381475.502599', '213622.174282']
> I've tried a few options using replace (replacing "\x00" with "") and
> trying to convert from hexademical to decimal.
> But nothing has worked.  Can anybody give any tips to help?
> Thanks.

Somthing like:

line =

result = [''.join(x.split('\x00')) for x in line]



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