Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita, mi ritrovai con Mrown che diceva:

> Hi,
>   I was wondering if there was a ping implementation written in
> Python.  I'd rather using a Python module that implements ping in a
> platform/OS-independent way than rely on the underlying OS, especially
> as every OS has a different implementation.  Furthermore, if you're
> going to ping a large number of IPs, using a module would probably be a
> lot faster.  Any ideas if such a module exists?  Thanks.

Get Scapy, it's one of the best tool for this kind of problem, and it's 
Python based

"Le opinioni dei fanatici prescindono dai fatti"
python -c "print 'bG9ybWF5bmFAZ21haWwuY29t'.decode('base64')"

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