On Thu, 20 Dec 2007 21:23:05 -0800, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:

>> I expect a nice script in 15-35 lines that protects my software from
>> working on another machine.
> Ah, but at that shortness, what will protect the protection script?


>       Proprietary information/trade-secret is only effective if it is
> never allowed OUT of the company. If someone has access to the code,
> there is nothing that can stop them reverse-engineering, copying, etc.
> except honor... Don't allow memory cards, CD or DVD, floppies, and email
> attachments to go out.

At 15-35 lines, it is short enough for people to copy it down on paper, 
or even memorize it, then take it home and work on finding a 
vulnerability in it.


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