ianaré wrote:

> On Dec 21, 3:29 pm, "ianaré" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> I have a for loop which included the line:
>> items_ren.append(join(newPath,renamedItem))
>> I changed it to this:
>> items_ren.append([join(newPath,renamedItem), False])
>> And processing speed is now much much slower. For 5780 items the old
>> function would take 9.5 seconds (there is other stuff going on
>> obviously), after changing that single line, speed is now 55 seconds
>> in the same conditions!
>> Can anyone give me some pointers please? I would like to keep the same
>> structure if possible, as it allows the code in other places to be
>> much faster. TIA
>> BTW, the 'join' function is this:
>> def join(newPath,renamedItem):
>>             return unicode(os.path.join(newPath,renamedItem))
> Seems like I found a way ... Use the old way, then at the end of the
> for loop add the 'False'.
> def addStatus(x):
>     return (x,False)
> items_ren = map(addStatus, items_ren)
> 9.5 seconds wOOt!
> However, if anyone has a faster way, let me know!


import itertools as it
items_ren = zip(items_ren, it.repeat(False))

Or if you want to start earlier on

def gen_items():
    for ...
        yield newPath, renamedItem

items_ren = zip(it.imap(unicode, it.starmap(os.path.join, gen_items())),

Probably buggy, but you should get the idea...


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