On Sat, 22 Dec 2007 14:03:09 -0800, MartinRinehart wrote:

> Tokenizer accepts "0x" as zero. Spec says its an error not to have at
> least one hex digit after "0x".
> This is a more serious bug than I had originally thought. Consider this:
> Joe types "security_code = 0x" and then goes off to the Guardian-of-
> the-Codes to get the appropriate hex string. 

Which is *hard coded* in the source code??? How do you revoke a 
compromised code, or add a new one?

Let me guess... the Guardian of the Codes stores them on a postit note 
stuck to the side of the fridge in the staff lunchroom? Written 
backwards, so nobody can guess what they really are.

> Returning to computer,
> Joe's boss grabs him. Tells him that effective immediately he's on the
> "rescue us from this crisis" team; his other project can wait.

Serves him write for writing in hex, when everybody knows that for *real* 
security you should store your security codes as octal.

> Some hours, days or weeks later Joe returns to the first project. At
> this point Joe has a line of code that says "security_code = 0x". I
> think Joe would be well-served by a compiler error on that line.


Maybe so, but how is that worse than if he had written "security_code = 
123456" intending to come back and put the actual code in later, and 

> As is
> now, Joe's program assigns 0 to security_code and compiles without
> complaint.

Which Joe will *instantly* discover, the first time he tries to test the 
program and discovers that entering the *actual* security code doesn't 

> I'm pretty sure any line of the form "name = 0x" was a
> product of some form of programmer interruptus.

There's no doubt that 0x is a bug, according to the current specs. It 
probably should be fixed (as opposed to changing the specs). But trying 
to up-sell a trivial bug into a OMG The Sky Is Falling This Is A Huge 
Security Risk Panic Panic Panic just makes you seem silly.


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